17 September 2009


Wheeesss .
Holidays luhhh ~
Happy holidays o ~~
Hehehe .

Today - Wakeup at 9something ~ Sms Eat Watch Cartoons - Mr . Bean :D Tonight maybe going cousin house ~ so not going to online ~ anddd gonna seldom onlineee ~ too lazy =D

Miss ue guys ~ [ for 2Dinamik besties only ] * muahahha *
Love Love Love Love Love 2Dinamik =D .
2Dinamik ROX forever .

31 July 2009

I Hate CopyCats

Stop Copy us .
I do what , u copy .
I wear what , u also copy .
Why want copy ?
So sian lerh ue .
Hate lo .
Everything copy me and my friends .
Today i wear pj shirt tuhh school .
U also !!!!
Walao .
Really copy cat lo !!!

I HATE YOU R______ !!!!

Many thing happens when 2 Dinamik is in the morning section .
Haishh .
Wish we all are fine .
And wont quarrel or blahs =D .
Be a good class from now on ?
Hahahhaha xD
IF we can ;D

I hate ue using a weird attitude tuhh see me .
I really hate it .
Please change and Thankyou .


18 July 2009

Lalalas .

↘ Okay my dear daughter .

↘ I will keep the secret .

↘ Mami promise ue nort tuhh tell anyone .

↘ Only ue and me know . (;

↘ If mami tell other people ,

↘ Daughter can hate mami or whatever !

↘ Mami promise de thing yi dng zuo de dao .

↘ No mather whats happen , i will just be with you till the end of my lifee .

↘ I promise .

↘ ✖ Jiiaz .

12 July 2009

Sorry leaders xp

Paiseh ya ~
Today tuan kang no pics .
We really nort enuf people .
Wish leaders will go next week ya ~
I will try my best tuhh help if i can .
I want capture capture many picpic o ~

p / s : Let me be th camera girl from th next week xp [ i wish to , if can yea ]


110709 - Yesterdae

wake up ; eat breakfast ; around 1+ go art class , draw stupid things xp ; go shop , sit there like noobs xp then online , chat with someone xia then pomoi ~ we pomoi more then 45minute plus . hehs . ; go buy burger xp ; go home ^^ ; play games ; eat dinner ; play then sleep .

05 July 2009

To HawZaii And HuaiDann

她没有错的 .
你们两都没有错 .
错的人是我 .
是我让你们爱上我 .
对不起 .


[ 豪仔 + 坏蛋 ]
对不起 . 对不起 . 对不起 .
我不该让你们爱上我 .

Sunday ~

Today . WakeUp . Stomache so dont havee go kbs ^^ . Then pick bro tuhh tuiton du go dad`s shop . At there sit like mo tou ren xD . Thenn 12 go pick bro . Go kenyalang and tabuan jaya . ^^ Tmrw morning section le . So please don`t sms me on morning . Going tuhh be guaizai at morning section le ~ 2 Dinamik will be laoshi class soon ? [ If my classmate can stop talking and playing ] xD . StudyHard my friends :DD . See ya tuhh afternoon section friends . Miss you all ~